Worksheets & References
So the writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads.
– Dr. Seuss
Worksheet 1: Avoid Cliches
Try to find fresh words to express your ideas. Here is a list of common business cliches. Rewrite using simpler, clearer, better language.
- enclosed please find
- please be advised that
- at your earliest convenience
- acknowledge receipt of
- in reference to the above-named subject matter
- hoping to hear from you, I remain
- as per our conversation
we are returning same herewith regarding the matter of it has come to our attention.
Worksheet 2: Pay Attention To Detail
Find and circle “typos” and other errors (grammar, spelling, punctuation, mechanics) in the sentences below.
- Thank you for your interest in our firm, this letter will summarize the services we can provide for you.
- Many of our clients are doctors. With practices similar to yours.
- We can provide a complete financial analysis to determine if it’s beneficial to incorporate your practice.
- Our accountants are currently examining the figures you sent us.
- We are looking forward to meeting with you later this fall.
- We have scheduled a conference for next month and these figures will be discussed at that time.
- I am sure that we can accommodate your request.
- A meeting will be held on Friday, 18 July, at 3 p.m., in the regional manager’s office.
- Unfortunately, I cannot supply the figures which you requested.
- I’m happy to hear your Pomeranian, Puffy was pleased with the new pet spa on the West Side.
- What we are offering you is a very unique investment opportunity.
- Obviously, a lot of time and effort went into your report.
- Smith commented that it would be “unwise to take action at this time”.
- Enclosed please find my resume and support in response to your advertised need for a Communications Coordinator.
- Your information is consistent with our findings.
Worksheet 3: Eliminate Unnecessary Words
Improve each of the following sentences by penciling out unnecessary words. Reword the sentence if needed.
- Somebody has said that words are a lot like inflated money—the more of them that you use, the less each one of them is worth.
- I was unaware of the fact that your widget could be used for security purposes.
- Jones, who is a member of the same firm, put the report together in a hasty manner.
- The reason why we failed to reply is that we were not apprised of the fact until yesterday that somehow the report had been unavoidably delayed.
- The fact that he had not succeeded was brought to my attention recently.
The degree of importance in the level of accuracy depends upon the individual situations.
Answers Worksheet 1: Avoid Cliches
- I/We are enclosing
- Omit
- Soon/by Friday
- Received
- Omit
- Omit
- As you said
- I/We are returning (name item)
- Omit
- I/We have discussed, learned
Answers Worksheet 2: Pay Attention To Detail
Answers Worksheet 3: Eliminate Unnecessary Words
Bowman, J.P., and Branchaw, B.P. (1988). Business Report Writing, 2nd ed Chicago: The Dryden Press
Canberra University (n.d.) Academic Skills Centre: Report Writing. Retrieved January 4, 2011, from http://www.canberra.edu.au/studyskills/writing/reports
Charles Sturt University and New South Wales Department of Education and Training. (n.d.) Writing a Business Report. Retrieved November 19, 2010, from http://www.hsc. csu.edu.au/business_studies/intro/writing/writing.html
Eunson, B. (2007). Business Writing, Milton: John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
Kimberley, N and Crosling, G (2008) Student Q Manual, (pp.42-46), (4th ed.) Clayton: Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University
Meyer, C. (2010). Communicating for Results: A Canadian Student’s Guide, 2nd ed., Ontario: Oxford University Press
Murdoch University. (n.d.) Murdoch University Business School Guide to Business Report Writing. Retrieved November 19, 2010, from http://bestentrepreneur.murdoch. edu.au/Guide_To_Report_Writing.pdf
Northern Arizona University. Retrieved December 22, 2010 from oak.ucc.nau.edu/ amk35/FormalReportExample.doc
Searles, G.J. (2009). Workplace Communication: the Basics, 4th ed New York: Pearson Longman
Wollongong University. (n.d.) Unlearning: Business Report Writing. Retrieved November 19, 2010, from http://unilearning.uow.edu.au/report/rep_business.html