Course Description
What comes to your mind when you here the term “Negotiation”? Well, most people typically think of boardrooms, suits, and multimillion-dollar deals. When the fact is that we negotiate daily basis in many facets of our life, including with family and friends. When your eyes and ears are tuned in to the language of negotiation, you realize that everyone is continually negotiating—all day long.
Negotiation skills are among the most sought after in workplaces though.
We negotiate all the time with co-workers, managers, customers, and suppliers, among others. Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more parties with the goal of reaching a mutually acceptable agreement. It is the ability to resolve differences. Therefore, negotiation skills are essential for achieving professional success.
This course analyses the types and stages of negotiation. It covers the techniques that should be used to arrive at a win-win solution for all parties involved.
You will become familiar with the tactics you can use to know your opponent better which will give you the courage to refuse anything less than you think is fair during the negotiation process. You will become adept at successful bargaining.
Mastering the tactics and techniques for successful negotiation will help you to get outcomes, reach agreements, and develop long-lasting relationships. Through the course you will learn how to maintain a courteous tone during the conversation and how uneven negations may result in problems later on.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes
What you are expected to be able to do or know by the completion of this course.
Define the fundamental types of negotiations
Understand the stages of negotiations and develop the skills necessary for successful negotiation
Apply fundamental negotiating concepts (WATNA, BATNA, WAP, and ZOPA)
Lay the groundwork for negotiation
Determine what information to share and what information to keep to yourself
Master fundamental bargaining techniques
Employ strategies for identifying mutual gain
Demonstrate how to reach a consensus and set the terms of agreement
Deal with petty disagreement
Incorporate the bargaining process into the resolution of daily issues
Act as a negotiator on behalf of another